April 2016
March Madness wasn’t about basketball in the Estimating Department! During the month of March, we received numerous bid requests from all across the site work spectrum. The abundance of bid requests indicates a relatively strong Central Indiana market. We have several bids into clients, and we hope to know the results within the next few weeks. For the third straight year we will be doing a section of Harmony as Estridge just awarded us Harmony Section 4. Harmony Section 4 will be directly west of Section 3 and will be 108 single family lots. Harmony Section 4 has nearly 73 utility days (5,000’ of gravity main line, 3,000’ of sanitary laterals, 5,000’ of storm sewer and 5,700’ of water main) and 134,000CYs of earthwork. This project, like most, will have an aggressive pavement schedule. Hopefully Mother Nature will cooperate and allow us to exceed expectations on this project. … Continued