April 2016

March 31, 2016 | Uncategorized

March Madness wasn’t about basketball in the Estimating Department! During the month of March, we received numerous bid requests from all across the site work spectrum. The abundance of bid requests indicates a relatively strong Central Indiana market. We have several bids into clients, and we hope to know the results within the next few weeks. For the third straight year we will be doing a section of Harmony as Estridge just awarded us Harmony Section 4.  Harmony Section 4 will be directly west of Section 3 and will be 108 single family lots. Harmony Section 4 has nearly 73 utility days (5,000’ of gravity main line, 3,000’ of  sanitary laterals, 5,000’ of storm sewer and 5,700’ of water main) and 134,000CYs of earthwork.  This project, like most, will have an aggressive pavement schedule. Hopefully Mother Nature will cooperate and allow us to exceed expectations on this project.     … Continued

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March 2016

March 31, 2016 | Uncategorized

It has been a busy winter!  We’ve been extremely busy, but March is the month that we’ve been waiting on.  This is the month that most of the projects that we expect to work on in the spring will be coming out for bid.  Next month at this time, I expect to have some good news to report on these projects! It is important to have a backlog of utility work in the spring to allow for mass earthwork crews to get dirt moved on new projects prior to utility crews coming in. The good news is that we have generated a backlog of nearly 175 utility days from the following projects:  The Golf Club of Indiana Sanitary & Water, The Crossing of Whitestown Sanitary & Water, Carmel Lutheran Church Sanitary Sewer, West Clay 15002 and The Woods at Thorpe Creek Section 3 (more about this project below).  We have … Continued

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December 2013

December 3, 2013 | Uncategorized

VHI is currently wrapping up existing projects and is in the process of starting two new ones as well (Addison Landing Apartments and Maple Grove Commercial Subdivision).   Even though the weather has been colder and wetter than normal for this time of year, VHI is still ahead or on schedule for all projects.  Recently Awarded Projects: Project Name:  Addison Landing Apartments Location:  Fishers, IN Client:  Addison Landing Construction, LLC Type of Work:  Apartments Project Start Date:  10/21/13 Facts: Site was partially filled back in late 2011.  VHI is responsible for importing fill material to bring the site up to grade, grading building pads, lake bank, common areas, asphalt streets and parking areas. 1,390′ of 8″ sanitary sewer (HSE sewer district). 4,435′ of RCP storm sewer ranging in size from 12”-42” and 49 storm sewer structures, including an AS-9 Aqua-Swirl Water Quality Structure. 3,200′ of 4″ subsurface spider drains. 2,100′ of … Continued

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September 2013

September 18, 2013 | Uncategorized

Valenti-Held is pleased to announce the following projects awarded to us. Project Name:  Villages of West Clay Sec. 8002 Location:  Carmel, IN Client:  Brenwick Development Type of Work:  Residential Subdivision Project Start Date:  8/1/13 Facts: -Site was previously filled back in the early 2000’s.  VHI is responsible for grading new streets and grading front yards and balancing the site. -Cut in four new sanitary sewer laterals on an existing sanitary sewer line that falls in an existing alley. -127’ of RCP storm sewer ranging in size from 12”-15” and 5 storm sewer structures, including a StormTrap Water Quality Structure. -1,4100′ of 6″ subsurface drains with lot laterals. -720′ of 8” ductile iron water main, including all service laterals. -This section is for eight roadway lots along Towne Road in the Villages of West Clay.    Project Name:  Villages of West Clay – Center Townhomes Phase 1 Location:  Carmel, IN Client:  … Continued

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Valenti-Held Contractor/Developer, Inc. is pleased to announce the unveiling of our new web site

July 28, 2013 | News

Valenti-Held Contractor/Developer, Inc. is pleased to announce the unveiling of our new web site this month.  Please take a few minutes and visit this site and the other Valenti Held Group sites.  We welcome your comments. PROJECT UPDATE: We have recently been awarded several projects to add to list to be completed this year. 1.  Hawthorne Lakes Sec. 2 in Lafayette, IN Client:  Timberstone Development, LLC Type of Work:  Residential Subdivision Start Date:  May 6, 2013 Facts:   The project consists of approximately 66,000cys of borrow with 33,000cys imported off site to build an earth sound barrier mound.  Site utilities consist of 1,400’ sanitary main with 1,550’ of 6” laterals, 1,230’ RCP storm sewer and 1,500’ 8” DIP. 2.  White Lick Luxury Apartments in Danville IN. Client:  Pride One Construction Type of Work:  Luxury one level apartments Start date:  05/13/2013 Facts:  Approximately 24,500cys of earthwork, 800’ main line sanitary and 900’ … Continued

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