May 2017

May 2, 2017 | Uncategorized

Forewarning: May is going to be extremely busy! In addition to Valenti-Held Contractor/Developer’s current workload, there are various other projects that will be starting soon. Since last month, we have added Harvest Park Section 3 which should provide approximately three weeks worth of utility work and about 25,000CY’s of dirt.

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April 2017

March 31, 2017 | Uncategorized

This spring is going to be super busy! In addition to Valenti-Held Contractor/Developer’s current projects, we have been awarded new projects: Brownstone Section 1 and Shadow Wood that will start in the April/May time frame. Brownstone Section 1 is a project for Pulte Homes and is located in Avon, IN and has 87,000CY’s of dirt, 5,345’ of sanitary main, 3,240’ of sanitary laterals, 4,874’ of storm sewer and 3,774’ of water main. Shadow Wood is a project for Pulte Homes and is located in Carmel, IN and has 43,045CY’s of dirt, 1,480’ of sanitary main, 1,300’ of sanitary laterals, 2,618’ of storm sewer and 2,906’ of water main. The first part of the year is going to be extremely busy and from all indications, this year will be another great one!

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December 2016

December 2, 2016 | Uncategorized

It is hard to believe that it’s December already!  It appears that Valenti-Held Contractor/Developer will complete all projects on time that were supposed to be paved; we are currently working on completing two of these projects. In addition to getting the asphalt down, Valenti-Held Contractor/Developer has been bidding on some winter work, and it appears that we will have a fairly sizable project to start at the beginning of the year. We are now starting to work on dirt balances, budgets, and pricing for the spring and 2017 work. It appears that 2017 will be another busy year!    

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November 2016

October 28, 2016 | Uncategorized

Since last month, Valenti-Held Contractor/Developer has landed The Oaks Phase 1 for Bedrock Builders.  This project is in Zionsville, IN and part of the Hoosier Village Retirement Community.  The project has 80,000 CY’s of dirt (+/-26,000 CY’s) that will be stockpiled, 2,800’ of sanitary sewer, 3,200’ of storm sewer and 2,200’ of water main.  In addition to the dirt and utilities, we will be putting in a 1/2 mile gravel access drive that will connect the northern end of the site to Old 106th Street. We are also currently bidding on several winter utility projects that are mostly just finish grade. Valenti-Held Contractor/Developer is also starting to work more on the budget for 2017.  It appears 2017 is going to be another strong year!

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October 2016

October 12, 2016 | Uncategorized

The push for pavement has begun!  Valenti-Held Contractor/Developer has several projects that must be paved this year, and we will be communicating and working together in order to hit our clients’ expectations. Valenti-Held Contractor/Developer has also submitted several bids since last month’s newsletter; some of these projects have gone back to redesign and some are still awaiting a response from the clients.  We should know more in the next few weeks on the projects we are awaiting a response.  Currently,  two budgets are being put together for large projects in the Boone County area. Landing both of these projects will make spring extremely busy!  

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September 2016

September 13, 2016 | Uncategorized

Since last month Valenti-Held Contractor/Developer has landed two projects in the Vandalia community (Pulte Homes); Del Webb Section 2 and the Del Webb Community Building.  These two projects combined have approximately 47,644CY’s of dirt (most of which has already been completed), 2,836’ of sanitary sewer mainline, 2,700’ of sanitary sewer laterals, 2,147’ of storm sewer ranging in size from 12” – 30” and 2,519’ of 8” water main. Valenti-Held Contractor/Developer is currently awaiting a response on several projects on which we have turned in bids. Courtyards of Zionsville is approved and moving forward. Clearing started on August 30th and we hope to have an earthwork crew on the ground the first part of September. We are still awaiting final sewer approvals on Grandhaven Section 1 and the Villages of West Clay 15002B; earthwork has commenced on both of these projects.  The clients believe that all necessary sewer approvals will be … Continued

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August 2016

July 29, 2016 | Uncategorized

Valenti-Held Contractor/Developer would like to make a big announcement: Valenti-Held has landed Hunters Run Section 2 & 3 located in Fishers, IN for Pulte Homes.  The Hunters Run sections combined generate 133,000 CY’s of dirt, 5,140’ of sanitary sewer mainline, 3,418’ of sanitary sewer laterals, 8,721’ of storm sewer ranging in size from 12” – 36” and 5,261’ of 8-12” water main.   During July we were also given notification that we would be awarded Grandhaven Section 1 located in Avon, IN for Platinum Properties.  Grandhaven Section 1 has 36,000 CY’s of mass earthwork, 1,927’ of sanitary sewer mainline, 1,229’ of sanitary sewer laterals, 2,063’ of storm sewer ranging in size from 12”-24” and 1,978’ of 6-8” water main. West Clay 15002B has been approved and tree clearing should commence the last week of July and Courtyards of Zionsville should have all approvals in place by the second week of August. … Continued

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July 2016

July 11, 2016 | Uncategorized

June has come and gone and while the weather was not always conducive, we sure did get a bunch of pipe and dirt moved! During June, Valenti-Held Contractor/Developer landed several projects: Vandalia Trailside Section 2, The Haven Section 3 and West Haven Entrance Drive.  These projects will provide upwards of 35 utility days and 20 earthwork days.  All of these projects are approved and ready to start. In addition, we currently have several jobs (RPM Machinery, West Clay 15002B & Courtyards of Zionsville) awaiting the governmental jurisdictions to provide final approvals.  We certainly plan to stay busy at Valenti-Held!  

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June 2016

May 27, 2016 | Uncategorized

The weather hasn’t been the most conducive, yet Valenti-Held Contractor/Developer has managed to work on several of our on-going projects in addition to starting some new ones. Valenti-Held Contractor/Developer has also picked up another new project from Pulte Homes, Lochaven Section 9C. Lochaven Section 9C has nearly 65,000CY’s of dirt and upwards of 30 utility days and is expected to start sometime in early June.  We currently have several projects that we are awaiting a response, and we expect to land a few of these.  Next month we hope to be able to announce several new projects that we’ve been awarded.    

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May 2016

April 29, 2016 | Uncategorized

Since last month, Valenti-Held Contractor/Developer has landed two new projects: Harvest Park Section 2 and RPM Machinery (Infrastructure).  Harvest Park Section 2 (Whitestown, IN) is for Pulte Homes and is anticipated to start the first of May: 31,000CY’s of dirt and nearly 50 utility days.  RPM Machinery (Infrastructure) is near Indianapolis Road, and will consist of 27,000CY’s of dirt and 10 days of utility days. The RPM Machinery work is getting kick started due to the recent sale of the ground by our development side of the company.  

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